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Home of the Sobriety Video "Finding Hope" by Licensed Professional Counselor Fred J. Hansen - SobrietyToday.comAbout "Finding Hope" - a Sobriety Video that offers Addiction HelpAbout the Cast and Crew of the Sobriety Video on Overcoming AddictionOnline Store to purchase the Sobriety Video "Finding Hope"VideosResources for Substance Abuse TreatmentContact about "Finding Hope" and addiction help
Two Questions
Finding Hope is a sobriety video created by a board certified psychotherapist and licensed professional counselor with decades of experience in helping people cope with chemical dependency, is a recovery tool that can be utilized by individuals, families, clinics, treatment programs, and the like. Watching from the comfort and safety of home, anyone can witness addiction counseling and become informed about substance abuse treatment.

Are you troubled by your use of alcohol or drugs?

Are you a family member or friend of someone that you fear may be abusing them?

You may be surprised to know that you are not alone! Almost 35,000,000 Americans suffer from alcohol or drug abuse. In fact, about 98% of those with a chemical dependency fail to get the addiction help they need and deserve.

There is a simple reason why one doesn't seek addiction help - Fear! When you are dependent on a substance because it serves as your protective shield against the emotional pain of life and the difficulties and problems you face everyday, it's terrifying to think of giving it up.

The Good News

There is a solution! However, accepting that you need addiction help, understanding what addiction "help" is, and navigating the world of substance abuse treatment is sometimes more frightening than the fear of staying dependent.

Finding Hope is a labor of love. It was created by a board certified psychotherapist and licensed professional counselor, who has spent decades counseling people with a chemical dependency, and walking them through the addiction recovery process. This sobriety video helps you understand the behaviors that are developed over time as a result of drinking or using drugs, and to understand:

  - why someone drinks or uses drugs in the first place.
  - what the solution is to the nightmare.
  - find the addiction help needed and deserved.

Finding Hope is not a brief overview – it is a sobriety video containing almost two hours of one on one conversation between someone with a substance abuse problem and Fred Hansen, a chemical dependency counselor, discussing drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Many testimonies are included in the film – the words of former patients who found joyous lives in recovery.

The Message of Finding Hope has helped thousands free themselves from the Insanity of Alcohol and Drug Abuse.


Copyright 2007-2008 Sobriety Today.All Rights Reserved. PG - Practical Guidance for Life Application - Sobriety video (DCD) on overcoming addiction by licensed professional counselor. Learn how to cope with chemical dependency. Witness drug and alcohol counseling. Become informed about substance abuse treatment. Discover: what addiction counseling/therapy is like, what is addiction "help", how to quit drinking and stop taking drugs, how rehab and treatment programs work... Go to Shopping Cart to buy the sobriety video "Finding Hope" for drug and alcohol addiction help